Tsutsujigasaki Castle

Japan's Top 100 Castles
Discover Tsutsujigasaki Castle

Discover Tsutsujigasaki Castle


Discover the rich history and breathtaking beauty of Tsutsujigasaki Castle (躑躅ヶ崎館), one of Japan’s most significant Samurai Castles. This article will take you on a journey through the castle’s fascinating past, its stunning gardens, and the vibrant culture that surrounds it. Whether you’re a history buff, a nature lover, or simply looking to explore the best castles in Japan, Tsutsujigasaki Castle is a must-visit destination.

Official site http://www.takedajinja.or.jp/
Address 2611 Furuchumachi, Kofu City, Yamanashi
Entry Fee 300yen

Overview of Tsutsujigasaki Castle

Tsutsujigasaki Castle, located in Kofu, Yamanashi Prefecture, is an iconic example of Japanese Castles. Originally built in the 16th century, this castle served as the residence of the powerful Takeda clan. As you explore the castle grounds, you’ll be transported back to the era of the samurai, where the architecture and layout reflect the strategic and cultural significance of this historic site.

History and Origins of Tsutsujigasaki Castle

The Background of Its Construction

The origins of Tsutsujigasaki Castle date back to 1519 when it was established by Takeda Nobutora. The Takeda clan, one of the most influential samurai families in Japan, sought to create a stronghold that would protect their domain and showcase their power. The location of the castle was strategically chosen for its natural defenses, including the surrounding mountains and rivers, which provided both protection and resources.

The construction of Tsutsujigasaki Castle was a monumental task that required the skills of master builders and craftsmen. The castle was designed with multiple layers of fortifications, including moats, stone walls, and wooden palisades. These defenses were essential for withstanding attacks from rival clans and securing the Takeda clan’s dominance in the region.

The main keep of the castle, though not as grand as some other Japanese castles, was a symbol of the Takeda clan’s strength and resilience. The keep’s design emphasized functionality and practicality, reflecting the military expertise of the Takeda samurai. Inside, the castle housed the clan’s administrative offices, living quarters, and storerooms, all meticulously organized to support the daily operations of the Takeda domain.

Historical Changes and Transitions

Throughout its history, Tsutsujigasaki Castle witnessed numerous battles and political changes. After the fall of the Takeda clan in 1582, the castle came under the control of various warlords, each leaving their mark on its architecture and layout. The castle’s strategic importance continued to attract attention, making it a focal point in the turbulent history of feudal Japan.

Despite the many changes in ownership, Tsutsujigasaki Castle remained a symbol of samurai culture and heritage. The castle’s preservation efforts have allowed visitors to appreciate its historical significance and the role it played in shaping Japan’s feudal era. Today, the castle is recognized as one of Japan’s Historical Sites and is a popular destination for those interested in Samurai History and the Historic Castles of Japan.

Gardens and Surrounding Nature

Seasonal Beauty of the Gardens

The gardens of Tsutsujigasaki Castle are a testament to the artistry and elegance of Japanese landscaping. Each season brings a unique charm to the castle grounds, from the vibrant cherry blossoms in spring to the lush greenery of summer, the brilliant foliage of autumn, and the serene snowscapes of winter. Visitors can stroll through the meticulously maintained gardens and experience the tranquility and beauty that have inspired poets and artists for centuries.

Nature Trails and Scenic Spots Around the Castle

Beyond the gardens, the natural surroundings of Tsutsujigasaki Castle offer numerous opportunities for exploration and discovery. Scenic trails wind through the nearby forests and hills, providing breathtaking views of the Kofu Basin and the distant peaks of the Japanese Alps. These trails are perfect for nature lovers and hikers looking to immerse themselves in the pristine beauty of Japan’s landscape.

Must-See Attractions and Experiences

While visiting Tsutsujigasaki Castle, there are several attractions and experiences that should not be missed. The castle museum showcases artifacts and exhibits that delve into the history of the Takeda clan and the castle itself. Additionally, visitors can participate in traditional samurai experiences, such as archery and swordsmanship demonstrations, providing a hands-on glimpse into the life of a samurai warrior.

Connections to Famous Lords

The Role of Takeda Shingen

Tsutsujigasaki Castle is most famously associated with Takeda Shingen, one of Japan’s greatest warlords. Shingen, known for his strategic brilliance and military prowess, used the castle as his headquarters during his campaigns to unify the region. The castle served as a base for planning and executing his many military endeavors, including the famous Battles of Kawanakajima.

Shingen’s connection to Tsutsujigasaki Castle is evident in the many monuments and historical sites dedicated to his legacy. Visitors can explore these sites and gain a deeper understanding of Shingen’s impact on Japanese history and his enduring influence on samurai culture.

Major Events

Special Seasonal Events

Tsutsujigasaki Castle hosts a variety of special events throughout the year, attracting visitors from around the world. One of the most popular events is the annual Takeda Shingen Festival, held every April. During this festival, the streets of Kofu come alive with reenactments of historical battles, parades, and traditional performances, offering a vibrant celebration of the region’s samurai heritage.

In the summer, the castle grounds are illuminated for evening garden tours, allowing visitors to experience the enchanting beauty of the castle and its surroundings under the starlit sky. Autumn brings harvest festivals, where local crafts and produce are showcased, providing a taste of Yamanashi’s rich cultural traditions.

Tsutsujigasaki Castle Events 2024

Tsutsujigasaki Castle Events 2024

Date Event
Apr-12 Takeda Shingen Festival – Reenactment of historical battles, parades, and traditional performances
May-05 Children’s Day Celebration – Traditional samurai games and educational activities for kids
Jun-15 Summer Garden Illumination – Evening tours showcasing the beauty of the illuminated gardens
Aug-14 Obon Festival – Cultural performances and lantern lighting to honor ancestors
Sep-23 Autumn Harvest Festival – Local crafts and produce showcase, traditional music and dance
Oct-10 Historical Lecture Series – Talks by historians about the Takeda clan and samurai culture
Nov-03 Culture Day – Exhibitions of traditional Japanese arts and crafts
Dec-25 Winter Illumination – Special light displays throughout the castle grounds


Unique Souvenirs from Tsutsujigasaki Castle

No visit to Tsutsujigasaki Castle is complete without picking up a few unique souvenirs. The castle’s gift shop offers a wide range of items that reflect the history and culture of the region. Popular souvenirs include replica samurai armor and weapons, traditional Japanese crafts, and local delicacies such as Yamanashi’s famous grapes and wine. These items make perfect mementos of your visit and are sure to delight friends and family back home.

Access to Tsutsujigasaki Castle


Access to Tsutsujigasaki Castle

From Tokyo

By Train:

Take the JR Chuo Line from Tokyo Station to Kofu Station. The journey takes approximately 1.5 to 2 hours. From Kofu Station, transfer to the Yamanashi Kotsu bus bound for Takeda Shrine. Get off at the “Takeda Shrine” bus stop. The bus ride is around 15 minutes.

By Car:

From Tokyo, take the Chuo Expressway towards Kofu. Exit at the Kofu Showa IC and follow the signs to Tsutsujigasaki Castle. The drive takes about 2 hours, depending on traffic.

From Nagoya

By Train:

Take the JR Tokaido Shinkansen from Nagoya Station to Shin-Yokohama Station, then transfer to the JR Yokohama Line to Hachioji Station. From Hachioji, take the JR Chuo Line to Kofu Station. The total travel time is approximately 3 hours. From Kofu Station, take the Yamanashi Kotsu bus to the “Takeda Shrine” bus stop.

By Car:

From Nagoya, take the Tomei Expressway towards Shizuoka, then transfer to the Chuo Expressway towards Kofu. Exit at the Kofu Showa IC and follow the signs to Tsutsujigasaki Castle. The drive takes about 3.5 hours, depending on traffic.

Local Transportation in Kofu

By Bus:

From Kofu Station, the Yamanashi Kotsu bus services are the most convenient way to reach Tsutsujigasaki Castle. Board the bus bound for Takeda Shrine and alight at the “Takeda Shrine” bus stop. The bus ride takes approximately 15 minutes.

By Taxi:

Taxis are available from Kofu Station. A taxi ride to Tsutsujigasaki Castle takes about 10-15 minutes.


If you prefer walking, Tsutsujigasaki Castle is about a 30-minute walk from Kofu Station. The route is straightforward, following Takeda Avenue northwards.

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